Pierwszy sygnał, że rok szkolny bardzo szybkim...

W tym roku odbyła się już...

Przedmiotem Konkursu było...

W poniedziałek 8 kwietnia...




W dniach 15 - 17 marca w Zespole Szkół...

02 marca uczniowie Salezjańskiego Liceum...

Workshops about Scotland, England and Wales

Obrazek użytkownika Krzysztof Naworol
Krzysztof Naworol
On Monday, 16th of October, students of 2nd year SG took part in very interesting workshops about Scotland, England and Wales. The teacher – Ross – came from Maidenhead, England and was very nice and had a great knowledge of Great Britain. He taught us how to say some words, presented some funny facts and told us about famous people from these countries. What is more, we learnt about some traditional dishes, sports, and played games. After the workshops we had something to eat and came back home, feeling glad about the time we spent.
Julia Burzyńska,
Agata Michałowska
Class II D SG
